Monday, February 10Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

SocialRemit (CSR) AirDrop – Minimum $100

SOCIALREMIT BLOCKCHAIN NETWORKS LTD is headquartered in the United Kingdom and has offices in Spain, Malta and Latin America

SocialRemit : Blockchain Platform for Financial and Technological Tools to emerging Projects

SocialRemit is a new platform designed to provides the emerging project with financial and technological tools based on blockchain and positively impact society through the associative economy. SocialRemit inspires to build decentralized autonomous platforms of high efficiency, betting that the participating community gets involved in the projects it finances.

The mission of social remit os to provide you with a platform where they can become true agents of social change.

Why must you stick with SocialRemit?

  1. Risks: The collective sales of STO are a relatively young investment model that, however, is developing rapidly. The purchase of tokens represents a high risk for any taxpayer, there are some risks that investors can face and there is no guarantee of profits.
  2. Tokens: The “EaD” tokens are essentially membership certificates throughout the platform network of the company SOCIALREMIT BLOCKCHAIN NETWORKS LTD (Stock1Wise ltd “S1W”, Okay Money Transfer ltd)
  3. Tokens of SocialRemit: The output value of the “SocialRemit” tokens will be 1 Euro at the time of release in the different exchanges at the end of the STO, which may increase or decrease its nominal value.
  4. Liquidity Internal Tokens (EaD): (Internal Liquidity Fund) and abbreviated with the name “EaD” with the nominal value of 1 Euro will be for internal use as a form of payment of all services offered by all SocialRemit Blockchain Networks LTD platforms. 

Follow the below guide to collect a minimum $100 worth of SocialRemit token

  • Click here and select Airdrop from the menu.
  • Click on sign-in and choose register now
  • Enter your details including your ETH address, agree with the term and click on create account.
  • Verify your email to activate your account and login
  • You will be credited with 180 CSR which will be available on your dashboard.
  • Chat with this telegram bot and provide the same email and ETH address used in above for additional 16 CSR
  • Ensure you join their telegram group
  • You can refer others for additional reward
  • Join our telegram channel for updates and alert of current and legitimate airdrop. Find more details about the project here

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