Thursday, February 13Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

Bitcoin News

Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Regulation (Right Now)

Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Regulation (Right Now)

Bitcoin News, General News
Written by Gary Ross (This article was originally published on UpCounsel.) The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies has taken the world by storm. Innovators, investors, users, and governments are scrambling to wrap their heads around cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology that they rely upon. The emergence of a new market and business model has created great opportunities for participants, but it also carries significant risk.   Cryptocurrencies present an inherently unique challenge to governments because of their new technology, cross-jurisdictional nature, and frequent lack of transparency. Governments are struggling to develop new ways to regulate cryptocurrencies, adapt existing regulations, and identify fraudulent schemes. Cryptocurrencies and their regulations are evol...
Blockchain Explained: A Beginner’s Guide

Blockchain Explained: A Beginner’s Guide

Altcoins News, Bitcoin News, General News
Even though it’s been nearly a decade since the blockchain technology came into existence, it’s still a concept that’s scarcely understood by most people. Many are still considering it a technological du jour, while most can’t even seem to understand it beyond cryptocurrencies. Well, in all fairness, blockchain is a fairly complex (okay, very complex, to be honest) concept. And most people try to define it the best way they can. So, oftentimes, it ends up like the story of the elephant and the blind men. Be that as it may, there is a fairly simple way to grasp the concept of blockchain. Now, think of the relationship Google shares with the internet. How does this relationship work? The internet provides the platform or the technology upon which Google leve