Saturday, July 27Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

UBEX Bounty & Airdrop

We present to you the Ubex advertising exchange:

Ubex solves the problems of the industry through the use of neural networks and blockchain technology.

The digital advertising market has been actively growing for the last 4 years; its size has exceeded the size of the television segment in 2017. This is a historic event for the advertising market. One of the most promising segments of digital advertising is programmatic advertisement, which shows an average annual growth rate of more than 23% against a 4% growth rate of non-programmatic segments. According to the forecasts of Magna Global, the market size of advertising software will reach $42 billion by 2020.

Nevertheless, despite these positive dynamics, the digital advertising market has many problems, including low targeting efficiency, non-transparent counterparty relationships and a high level of fraud. As a result, all sides of the relationship suffer – advertisers overpay for each client involved, publishers receive lesser rewards and consumers of advertising are dissatisfied with its quality. Ubex proposes to solve these problems by combining all the advantages of programmatic technologies, neural networks and smart contracts in a single system. Through this approach, Ubex provides a transition from the traditional pay-per-click scheme to the payment for targeted actions, which is the most fair and interesting model for all market participants.

We present to you the Ubex project – a global, decentralized exchange of programmatic advertising
based on neural networks and smart contracts. The mission of Ubex is to create a global advertising
ecosystem with a high level of mutual trust and maximum efficiency

Advantages of Ubex in comparison with other advertising exchanges:

Neural networks maximize purchasing efficiency: At the heart of Ubex’s advertising purchasing algorithms lie neural networks that process information about each visitor to the member networks’ websites. The neural networksevaluate the interests of users, calculate the likelihood of targeted actions for all advertiser offers, and choose the most suitable advertisement.

Blockchain-based smart contracts minimize participants’ risks: Ubex aims to solve the problem of low confidence in the purchase of digital advertising. Smart contracts allow for making the relationship of advertisers and publishers (owners of ad slots on sites) as transparent and fair as possible, as well as minimizing the risks for all parties.

The market
What is programmatic advertising? In plain English, it is buying real-time advertising on the basis of an auction. The concept of the software is definitely broader and includes limited auctions and direct sales of advertising as well. In general, programmatic advertising is a set of methods for purchasing advertisements on the internet using automated systems and algorithms to make decisions about a transaction without human participation based on socio-demographic and behavioral data about users available to both the platform and the advertiser.

Advertisers: problem and solution
Advertisers lose money on every attracted buyer because of the traditional approach to advertising purchases. In most cases, advertisers are forced to incur excessively high costs to attract buyers for three reasons:

  1. Presence of brokers => high commissions (Effect on customer acquisition cost: ± 30%) There is no single instrument by which a large advertiser could easily filter out the most effective websites for their advertising and remain certain that their media budget for digital
    advertising would be spent efficiently. In addition, the budgetary policies of large companies often do not possess sufficient flexibility to allow employees to purchase advertising slots on various websites (which belong to different legal entities) in the volumes necessary.
  2. Pay per click => Risk of fraud (Effect on customer acquisition cost: ± 30%) There are various models of payment for digital advertising. In most cases, advertisers are forced to accept the pay-per-click model, and thus carry the publisher’s risk of fraud. Despite its convenience for publishers, the pay-per-click model often creates incentives for fraud. Fraud, in its most basic form of explanation, is an imitation of the actions of real users, aimed at achieving KPIs set by the advertiser, thus inflating targeted actions artificially,
    and, as a result, obtaining higher payments for no concrete feedback at the expense of the advertiser. The amount of fraud in the programmatic segment has reached critical levels.
  3. Weak algorithms => Inefficient targeting (Effect on customer acquisition cost: ± 20%) Current algorithms demonstrate advertising to users who do not constitute part of the target audience of the advertiser’s product. This reduces conversions to purchases, both with the pay-per-click model, and when paying for targeted actions (in the event that the targeted action is higher in the conversion funnel than the actual purchase)

Publishers: problem and solution
Publishers are not getting enough revenue from their advertising slots because of a suboptimal sales system. There are several barriers that prevent publishers from maximizing revenue and contributing more funds in the growth of user engagement:

  1. Low efficiency of purchasing algorithms => Suboptimal loads of advertising slots Even in the case of a high volume of high-quality user traffic, whose profile is ideal for certain advertisers, according to both socio-demographic parameters and interests, publishers may experience problems with loading ad slots. Such “gaps” in the effectiveness of current sites, allocated for the purchase and sale of
    advertising, arise because of the imperfect nature of algorithms designed for distributing offers among publishers’ advertising slots.
  2. Inefficient targeting => Low number of targeted actions Due to the imperfections of the targeting algorithms available on the market, with some rare exceptions, advertisers are forced to adhere to the proverbial strategy of “shooting sparrows from cannons”, trying to reach their target audience with a certain margin to spare. In addition to the irrational use of advertising budgets, the reverse side of this approach is the immense amount of irrelevant advertising on publishers’ websites, which means that each ad slot attracts a relatively small number of targeted actions. In turn, the less targeted the ad slot attracts, the lower the publisher’s revenue via the COST PER ACTION payment model.
  3. Lack of transparency on the part of advertisers => Problems of non-payment of advertising costs Three key risks exist for publishers when working on the basis of the COST PER ACTION model:
    (a) Shaving is the concealment, by the advertiser, of the fact of fulfillment of a targeted action by a user, attracted by advertising to the publisher’s website. (b) Failure to pay for advertising for verified targeted actions by both parties leads to court
    lawsuits on debt collection, which in itself is an expensive and laborious process for the publisher.
    (c) Late payment of advertising is more common than failure of payment in principle, but also detrimental to the financial performance of the publisher (increase in the volume of illiquid accounts receivable in assets to the detriment of additional working capital). The solution to the problem of shaving risks, non-payment for services or delays in payments for advertising by advertisers is achieved in Ubex through the application of three mechanisms based on blockchain technology:
    (i) Tracking. When connecting to the Ubex advertising exchange, advertisers and publishers install tracking services. It is possible to track user behavior at all stages of the conversion funnel with the help of such tracking services.
    (ii) The rating mechanism. A multi-level system of rating of counterparties on the Ubex advertising exchange takes into account all the transactions that system participants had ever concluded, the volume of these transactions, the timeliness of payments, as well as all
    complaints, claims and reviews following the results of fulfilled or canceled transactions.
    (iii) Escrow / factoring. Ubex solves the problem of late payments through the use of a crypto-financial platform allowing instant payments and verification of smart contracts on the one hand and keeping advertisers’ budgets in escrow on the other.



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    Specify your unique Telegram code, as well as your Facebook and Twitter profiles in the Airdrop Tokens section of your Personal Account.
    Step 3
    Stay subscribed to Ubex until the Token Sale ends.
  5. You can participate in the BOUNTY HERE and follow the insctruction on this bitcointalk thread
  6. Find more details on the project website here and read the whitepaper here


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