Monday, February 10Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

FIO Protocol Airdrop (125,000 FIO ~ $50,000 total pool)

FIO Protocol is a blockchain protocol that aims to create a more efficient way of sending and receiving coins and tokens. FIO Protocol’s high level goal is to deliver usability for the entire blockchain ecosystem — similar to what HTTP did for the internet.

FIO Protocol acts as a decentralized layer to the whole blockchain ecosystem, supplying workflow, data and confirmations leading up to transactions on other blockchains. However, the FIO Protocol does not actually interact directly with any other blockchain, but with a blockchain’s endpoints. The FIO token was made to pay for transactions on the blockchain.

Follow these procedures to participate in the FIO Protocol airdrop

  1. You need to have an account regsitered with Binance Exchange and CoinMarketCap
  2. Your account with Binance must be KYC verified to participate
  3. Once you’re in your CMC account, go to the CoinMarketCap FIO page to watch a series of educational videos about the project — and don’t forget to pay attention!
  4. Once you finish watching the videos, you will be able to take a short quiz — you can only take the quiz once. The answers to the quiz is provided below:
    1. What is the max supply of FIO tokens? 1,000,000,000
    2. Question: What is the FIO Protocol? Answer: A service-layer solution that makes sending, receiving and even requesting cryptocurrency joyful and easy to do across all blockchains
    3. Question: What does the FIO Protocol replace the need for? Answer: Long and complicated public keys
    4. Question: What can the FIO Protocol be used for? Answer: All of the above
    5. Question: The FIO Protocol enables… Answer: All of the above
    6. Question: What is the FIO Token used for? Answer: All of the above
    7. Question: What is a FIO Address? Answer: A customized, unique human-readable wallet name and NFT
    8. Question: FIO Domains such as u/domain… Answer: All of the above


Be alerted first before you missed out on legitimate airdrop/bounty with a limited time-frame, Join us on telegram  and twitter and find out more about the project details from this website

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