A decentralized Revenue Sharing Exchange
BTCOW.trade is a 0% trading fee exchange which reward its users for trading on the platform.
What is BCO Token?
BCO Token is a base token on platform which will be used to reward users when they trade. For each trade user will get 25% reward in BCO Token. These tokens can easily be converted into BTC or any other trading pair on the exchange.
Get 100$ (500 BCO) Free Signup Bonus by following these 4 steps
- Register on BTCOW.trade , during registration, ensure you enter correct Telegram and Twitter usernames +150 BCO
- Follow on Twitter +100 BCO
- JoinTelegram group (Required) also join Telegram Channel (Optional) +100 BCO
- Retweet this Tweet +150 BCO
- Refer your friends to receive an additional 50 BCO tokens per each invited person.
- Be alerted first before you missed out legitimate airdrop/bounty with limited time-frame, Join us on telegram and find out more about the project details from this website
Don’t miss out on any airdrop & bounty again follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website: https://bountyairdroptoken.com