ARPA is a Secure Computation Network Compatible With Blockchains
ARPA cryptographically enables private smart contract, unprecedented data-at-use privacy protection, as well as scalable computational sharding. Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) allows a set of parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping them private. The correctness of computation is verifiable even under majority malicious condition using secret sharing and information theoretic Message Authentication Code (MAC). ARPA network is flexible, easy-to-use, and compatible with exisitng blockchains such as Ethereum and EOS. Let’s rethink blockchain for the real world: Privacy-preserving smart contracts at scale and data renting.
Steps to the airdrop
- Register for an account here
- If you don’t receive a verification email on time, you can login with your details
- Have a chat with this telegram bot to participate in the airdrop
- Join ARPA Telegram group
- Join our telegram channel for updates and find out more about the project details by visiting this here
Don’t miss out on any airdrop & bounty again follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website:
Please always note that any airdrop that required ETH, the wallet address has to be ERC20 compatible. DO NOT use an exchange address.