Tuesday, February 11Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

Vantage Token (XVT) Bounty

The Vantage Network is a Contribution Tracking Platform that enables donors to see exactly how the money they contribute to a fundraising campaign is spent, down to the transaction level. This level of visibility engenders donor confidence, building trust in nonprofits and ltimately yielding more money raised to help people in need. Vantage Tokens (XVT) are a key component of the Vantage Network. A small percentage of every donation made via the Vantage Network is converted into XVT, which is utilized inside the platform to track how fundraising organizations spend the donations they receive.

Research indicates that only 16% of the population believes that nonprofits are very efficient at spending the donated funds they receive, and only 16% of donors are very confident that nonprofits use their donated funds as intended (YouGov Omnibus, 2017) . Thus, for nonprofits to create the impact they hope to achieve and help the people they were built to serve, they must overcome the skepticism that exists among donors today while competing for scarce funds with organizations ranging from established international aid organizations to individual micro-campaigns on Facebook. Research also indicates that 67% of people would donate more to a charity/non-profit organization that is transparent in how they spend donations (YouGov Omnibus, 2017). Until now, the technology and data management required to provide this level of transparency was too costly to be feasible for most nonprofits, consuming precious funds that would be better spent in aid of their missions. This creates a challenge that is solved by using Distributed Ledger Technology (blockchain).

The Vantage Network leverages blockchain technology to provide transparency and traceability that helps eliminate donor skepticism, resulting in increased trust and revenue for nonprofits. This allows nonprofits to focus on creating the impact they want to achieve by helping the people they were built to serve. Implementation of the Vantage Network is effortless compared to many other blockchain solutions; donors and nonprofits are not required to directly purchase or manage cryptocurrency in order to use the Vantage Network. Knowledge of blockchain technology is not necessary for nonprofits to take contributions, and donors simply make contributions the way they do now – by entering credit card information into a web form on a campaign webpage. The power of the Vantage Network coupled with its ease of use and implementation will facilitate broad adoption of the platform, providing a practical solution that donors, nonprofits
and other fundraising entities can benefit from.

The Vantage Token is used for:
• Recording charitable donations
• Tracking the amounts donated to each nonprofit
• Tracking disbursements from a nonprofit for goods and services

The Vantage Token will be used by XVT holders to:
• Donate directly to charities with XVT (Q4-2019)
• Review and promote their favorite non-profits inside the Vantage Portal
• Set up a Vantage Donation Point and raise funds using the
Vantage Network once it is open to other fundraising entities
than Non-Profits (Q1-2020)
• Vote directly on Vantage Verified ICOs in a ranking system designed to
support a community driven feedback model once ICO regulation phase
is implemented (Q2-2020)
• Donate directly to Vantage Verified ICOs with XVT (Q2-2020)


  • Register here   
  • Click on register
  • Enter email and password to signup.
  • Verify your email and login
  • Under the dashboard menu, click on wallet to enter your ERC20 wallet
  • Join telegram channel
  • To participate in the bounty, visit here,  if you are registering for the first time, use referral code eb5d88 during registration.
  • Find more details on the project website here

Don’t miss out on any airdrop again Join our telegram channel  , follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, check on us on steemit and linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website: https://bountyairdroptoken.com

Please always note that any airdrop that required ETH, the wallet address has to be ERC 20 compatible. DO NOT use an exchange address.

FRAUD ALERT: We do our best to filter out the NOISE. Any airdrop that required you to singup or provide your Private key, Keystore / JSON File, Mnemonic Phrase, kindly close immediately to avoid loosing your fund as these are for your PRIVATE ONLY and not to be shared with anybody.

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