Monday, February 10Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

Oodlebit Airdrop Final Round – US Based Trading Platform

Introducing Oodlebit

We are a U.S. based cryptocurrency exchange opening in early 2019 focusing on the total user experience, from the design of the platform down to the quality of customer support. Our innovative platform, fair fees, fast trades, and fantastic support will make Oodlebit a superior choice for digital asset trading

Our Security

Security breaches in the cryptocurrency world have been widespread in the past several years, leading to millions of dollars in lost user funds. Though no security measures can be considered 100% failsafe, it is our responsibility to strive for optimal security at all times to protect our user’s funds and information. We routinely run security audits, and continuously improve our security infrastructures.

1. Users can protect their account with Mobile SMS and Two-factor authentication (2FA) technology. Users can set a separate SMS or 2FA for withdrawals and APIs for extra protection.
2. Users are notified by email on login, withdrawal, and when they perform other vital actions. We include a link to quickly freeze their account if they suspect anything malicious.
3. Our systems detect IP/location changes on login and withdrawal.
4. Users can restrict access to their account based on IP and location.
5. Users can restrict withdrawals based on IP and location.

1. We developed algorithms to detect unusual behaviors such as unusual trading patterns, unusual withdrawals, and other malicious activity.
2. Our systems are always up to date with the latest software and operating system security patches.
3. Automatic backups of all our data are performed daily and then sent to multiple locations for safe keeping.
4. Our live systems are protected by anti-DDoS services so that our users never experience any interruptions with our service.


A superior team, to make a superior platform

We have a talented team of developers, security experts, and UI designers creating the Oodlebit trading platform to our specifications based on user feedback.

1. Oodlebit is being developed in C++ from the ground up with security in mind in every area of the platform. We will have multiple professional hacker teams running penetration tests to ensure the safety of our users before we are operational.

2. Our trade matching engine is the core of our platform, which is why it’s being developed for optimal speed and efficiency so that our users will never experience any downtime or lag when performing trades.

3. Our developers will be issuing multiple trading clients. We can expect to see Oodlebit available on the Web(Simple/Advanced Interfaces) at launch, and then over time we will see it available on iOS(Simple Interface), Android(Simple Interface), Windows(Simple/Advanced Interfaces), and Mac(Simple/Advanced Interfaces) to satisfy all users.

In this final round, you can get up to 45 OODL token by following the following steps:


Signup Here and complete these actions

  • Visit this telegram bot
  • Follow simple insturction (just perform two tasks)
  • Get 10 OODL for each referral.
  • If you are a bounty hunter, join this Bitcointalk ANN
Join our telegram channel  . Find out more about the project details by visiting this website


Don’t miss out on any airdrop & bounty again  Join our telegram channel  , follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, check on us on steemit and linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website:

Please always note that any airdrop that required ETH, the wallet address has to be ERC20 compatible. DO NOT use an exchange address.

FRAUD ALERT: We do our best to filter out the NOISE. Any airdrop/bounty that required you to provide OR singup with your Private key, Keystore / JSON File, Mnemonic Phrase, kindly close immediately to avoid losing your fund as these are for your PRIVATE USE ONLY and not to be shared with anybody.

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