Tuesday, February 11Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

CoinClaim Automated SaaS Airdrop – 10 Million CLM Giveaway

CoinClaim is a fully automated SaaS marketing tool using 100% crypto for organic social media and other marketing campaigns. CoinClaim is perfect for all phases of a company’s growth from ICO bounty programs to established brand marketing campaigns.

CoinClaim was built because many organizations are in a situation where they have tokens on hand but lack brand awareness of their company or product. CoinClaim helps by providing a redemption vehicle for companies to use their tokens in marketing campaigns including – bounties, contests, fundraisers and other transactional and promotional activities.

CoinClaim is also perfect for non-crypto companies looking to expose their brand to new customers. CoinClaim’s built in token – CLM – is a perfect reward for those promoting your product and brand.

CoinClaim is not an ICO. It is a finished marketing platform that one year was spent to develop. Soon, other token companies will run campaigns and give away their tokens in this system. It is a real business with a real business model to make money and increase the value of CLM token.

Guide to participate in10 Million CLM Giveaway. CLM is tradable and available to withdraw

  • Click here to register
  • Click on login and select register under you don’t have an account at the bottom
  • Select if you are New User or New Company
  • Enter your username, email and password to register
  • Confirm your email address and login
  • Under the featured campaign, click claim button on each
  • When the windows open, click on more details to perform the task
  • Always verify your task. When you completed all tasks from each campaign, always click on the claim button to get your reward
  • Always click on browser coin claim menu to perform another task
  • Log in everyday for 5CLM reward
  • For every qualified referral, you will earn 100 CLM. You can refer as many people as you want until the full 10 Million CLM is awarded.
  • The 100 CLM referral promotion will run until all 10 Million CLM are awarded.
  • Join our telegram channel  . Find out more about the project details by visiting this website

Don’t miss out on any airdrop & bounty again  follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website: https://bountyairdroptoken.com

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