Cocos-BCX’ , fully named ‘Cocos BlockChain Expedition’, aims to create an integrated multi-platform runtime environment for games, providing developers with the convenience and completeness in game development, while bringing users a whole new gaming experience, unprecedented gaming status, and with all the assets obtained in the games being wholly owned by the users.
Cocos is raining 1,000,000 COCOS Giveaways! Follow these procedures to participate
There are six airdrops as illustrated below
- Register for CocosBCX mainnet account here
- Twitter campaign, follow here to participate
- Other campaigns, read up this medium article
Be alerted first before you missed out legitimate airdrop/bounty with limited time-frame, Join us on telegram and twitter and find out more about the project details from this website
Don’t miss out on any airdrop & bounty again follow us on twitter ,be notified on Instagram, linkedin and like our facebook page . Our website: