Tuesday, February 11Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

Top Airdrop 93

ENERGI (NRG) Airdrop $100

ENERGI (NRG) Airdrop $100

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The majority of cryptocurrencies today have a system of mining in place which rewards those running their graphics card or CPUs, or specialized mining hardware. This functions as inflation or could even be seen as a type of “tax” on the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, alone, is “burning” over FIVE BILLIONdollars a year on mining. We see Bitcoin’s massive mining reward as an overkill, and believe Bitcoin could be about as secure with only a fraction of that mining reward (as seen by Bitcoin having great network security with no corresponding problems even when the market cap and mining reward was 1/10 as it is now). If Bitcoin had a similar system in place as Energi has, Bitcoin would currently have BILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth per year to allocate to development and growth. This is an enormous mi
Insights Network (INSTAR) Aidrop

Insights Network (INSTAR) Aidrop

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The future of data is under your control Insights Network is connecting consumers with businesses for mutually beneficial data exchange by using digital currency and blockchain technology. The Technology Insights Network Technology is Fast, Transparent, and Secure. Our verified ecosystem of requesters and providers is fueled by INSTAR Insights Network is built together with it’s users. Together, we’re creating the world’s largest decentralized secret sharing database where the users own the private keys to their data. Earn unlimited INSTAR tokens $50+ if you can refer Register here, Login to your account Complete KYC and three activities Join our telegram channel  . Find out more about the project details by visiting this website   Don't miss out on an
BitSong (200 BTSG) Airdrop

BitSong (200 BTSG) Airdrop

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the new Music Streaming BitSong is a new music streaming platforms, which will be built using the Blockchain Technologies and the IPFS distributed filesystem. BitSong is a project dedicated to musicians and their fans, which aims to overcome the bureaucratic and economic obstacles within this industry and reward artists and users for simply using the platform. On the BitSong platform, you (artist) will be able to produce songs in which an advertiser can attach advertisements and users can access from any device. Funds via the Bitsong token $ BTSG will be credited to the artist wallet immediately and they will be able to withdraw or convert as they see fit. Artists need no longer to wait several months before a record label sends various reports, they can check the progress in rea
OriginTrail (TRAC) $300+

OriginTrail (TRAC) $300+

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OriginTrail protocol brings trusted data sharing to global supply chains by utilizing blockchain technology. The OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) is built for data integrity and validation in inter-organizational environments, based on globally recognized standards and powerful graph data structures. With existing use cases across different industries, OriginTrail is a foundation for the next generation of business applications. Some examples: OriginTrail Solution Stack Application Layer Provides seamless integration for a broad ecosystem of supply chain management tools. Decentralized applications (dapps) on top of OriginTrail increase efficiency and integrity in supply chain management, insurance, banking, and other industries.   ODN Data layer  A highly per