Sunday, February 16Cryptocurrency Latest legitimate Airdrops/Bounties and Current News that matters

Top Airdrop 137

Pivot Airdrop : Up to $500-Share from 1000000 PVT daily bonus pool (Legit)

Pivot Airdrop : Up to $500-Share from 1000000 PVT daily bonus pool (Legit)

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Reddit + CoinDesk = PIVOT Invested by Binance Labs, Huobi, LD Capital, INBlockchain and Link VC. A cryptocurrency community where blockchain investors can communicate and collaborate. Pivot provide cryptocurrency markets, prices and charts in real time of more than 1400 cryptocurrencies and the freshest blockchain news.They aim to help investors communicate more efficiently with each other and with startups in blockchain industry. Pivot has received investment finance from Binance and other famous cryptocurrency funds. Up to now, nearly one hundred startups and hundreds of business leaders in blockchain industry have opened official accounts in Pivot. And more than 100k investors is using Pivot to guide their investments. PIVOT recently announced that the game is back online and now
Be part of $495,000 worth of OVR Airdrop

Be part of $495,000 worth of OVR Airdrop

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The decentralized world scale augmented reality platform OVR is a worldwide, open-source, AR platform powered by the Ethereum Blockchain. OVR makes it possible for users provided with a mobile device or a smart glass to live interactive augmented reality experiences customized in the real world. OVR can be defined as a new standard in augmented reality where geographical experiences are based on user's position. The OVR Main Features In OVR the entire planet is virtually subdivided into hexes of the 300m2 areas and the OVRLands represent the single unit. The OVRLand can be initially purchased on the OVR Marketplace through an ascending price auction. The OVROwners can sell or rent their OVRLands at any time using the marketplace features. The OVRLands are sold or rent with th
VeryHash & UnlimitedIP (500,000 UIP Bounty)

VeryHash & UnlimitedIP (500,000 UIP Bounty)

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VeryHash, the fastest growing cloud mining service. About VeryHash: VeryHash is a new and fast growing cloud mining service. It’s built by a team with years of expert experience and relationship in crypto and mining industry. So far, VeryHash has formed close partnership with, and, which guarantees high quality service to customers all over the world. VeryHash is determined to provide users in the crypto world a secure and better investment instrument and help users’ asset grow VeryHash is hosting 500,000 UIP bounty with UnlimitedIP team. Register for an account here Enter your email and click on send to receive the verification code kindly make use of our referral code 31871156 Enter the verification code in the space provided, enter the ca
3rd Round ClinicAll Airdrop : up to 6,000 CHC

3rd Round ClinicAll Airdrop : up to 6,000 CHC

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ClinicallAll vision is to empower everyone with easy access to healthcare-related services, improve communications between patients and medical professionals, provide optimized practitioner matching, simplify payments. This way, they’ll contribute to everyone’s good health – all over the world. What problem is ClinicAll here to solve? Patients and their families or relatives often are looking for medical advice, specialists, medication, therapists and general healthcare services. Currently there is no single platform or community to assists them and often the local healthcare system suffers from obstacles. The ClinicAll Healthcare Community will overcome local hurdles, be more cost-efficient, offer faster access to services and be secure. The ClinicAll Mobile App: Opening your door to